Tena tatou katoa
I managed to get up to Taupo a few weeks ago towards the end of Kohitatea; MAGIC weather! Dad is looking good - filled out a little since i saw him in November 08, moving around freely & getting himself around.
Although, i had to take him down to the optometrist to check out his cataracts - now i dont know whether he has any or that he was getting his eyes checked out for them - Rarangi picked him up as i had to take off to Turangi
I (myself and PhD student from Otago) had a hui with Uncle Jim Biddle: good korero about forestry in general
Absolutely stunning weather! got a swim in at the lake for a couple hours - my brother and i had a good korero lake-side.
Short visit, worth while as always!
Anyway, by the time you all read this, Matauria would have turned 50 - it is her birthday apopo - the 14 Feb - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!