Wednesday, December 31, 2008

- - Nga Mihi mo te TAU HOU 2009 - -

E te whanau whanui o te Kotuku raua ko te Uira Hakopa
Tenei hoki ta matou nei e mihi atu ki a koutou katoa!
nga mihi mo te tau hou e heke mai nei
kia piki te ora,
kia piki te mana,
kia piki te tapu
Whanau in the south 2008

Thoughts to kick off the NEW YEAR!!!!

Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Dreams are the touchstones of our character.
Henry David Thoreau

The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream.
The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg,
and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs.
Dreams are the seedlings of realities.

James Allen

Vision without action is merely a dream.
Action without vision just passes the time.
Vision with action can change the world.

Joel A. Barker

An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Courage is the most important of all the virtues,
because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently.
You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.

Maya Angelou

Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward.
Henry Ford

Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgement, repeated every day.
Jim Rohn

Hei whakamaumaharatanga
A tribute to the 3 kuia who passed away around this time of year:

Aunty Lottie, Aunty Wara & Mum

Let us not forget the others & Uncle Tom & Aunty Rita

Friday, November 7, 2008

Heke ana ki Waihi, ki Piripekapeka hoki

Mauri ora ki a koutou katoa
I te wa matou e noho ana ki te taha o ta matou nei koroua, ka heke iho ra matou ko taku teina a Whakararangi, me nga kohine tokotoru ki tera atu pito o Taupo moana, ara ake, ki Tokaanu!

Kei te urupa o Piripekapeka ta matou Kuia a Tereinamu e okioki ana. Ko ta matou i reira, e whatoro ana ki a ia, kia noho noa iho, kia maumahara hoki ki a ia me tona ake wairua. Te ahua nei, ka taea te wairua o tena, o tena, o tena - te piki ake, te pumau tonu i nga moemoea o tera kuia!!

heoi ano - ka taaku - kia mihi ake ki a ia!

While we were up in Taupo, we went down to Piripekapeka where Mum is buried in Tokaanu, then we shot across to Waihi for a look around the old whare!!

The kids in their Sunday best - on their way to church

Tereinamu doing her best impression of THINKING!!

Kotuku - practising his whakapapa
My brothers & i: Tamakopiri & Whakararangi

Koro & his mokopuna: Standing - Kotuku, Tapeka, Candace & Punawai
Seated: Raniera, Tereinamu & Ripeka - baby Lyrix (did i spell that right?)

Koro & some of the mokopuna: Tapaka, Punawai, Kotuku, Tereinamu & Ripeka
He looks a lot better doesnt he!!

Dad doing his usual - reading the paper!!

Tapeka Marae - Waihi
The whare at the entrance to Waihi
The real old whare in Waihi!
Lake Taupo & Maunganamu in the background

The back of the old homestead at Waihi

The side of the old homestead - Waihi

The front of the old homestead - Waihi

The girls at Piripekapeka - Tokaanu

Mum's headstone

- Naaku noa -
- Hauiti -

Monday, November 3, 2008

Taupo-Moana Ka hoki mai!

Tenei hoki ta matou e mihi atu ra ki a koutou o te whanau!!

Nga mihi

The kids & i have finally headed back up to Taupo to spend some time with Dad -nice to be home!

We touched down last Friday in Rotorua, beautiful weather! Dad was at the airport to pick us up on his trusty Toyota which was parked askew in the Budget Rental area!!

He looks well, driving himself around - independent in his own way!

Kotuku & his brother Tapeka were already in Taupo having left Dunedin the Monday before us. (I think the boys have eaten all his kai!)

You should've seen the maunga as we came over the rise heading down into Taupo - absolutely magnificent!!

Saturday, after the usual 'koro' porridge, the kids and i headed into town to check out the new library and all its facilities (internet etc) - its alot bigger than it used to be - and appears to be well stocked.

I ran into about 4 people that i knew (in the library) from my school days and today i ran into Temuera Hall

I must say that the town is quite different! The old barber shop at the north end of Tongariro street is now a book shop!!

Anyway, my nephew Tamati came over for a visit yesterday as my brother and i were lounging around in the sun having a korero. he dropped off some venison which he had just caught!! I am looking forward to eating that up!

The kids were playing with Raniera & his kids in the front yard - in the heat of the afternoon sun yesterday!! Those moko look well!

As for dad: he had his appointment with the Physio today - 20 minutes on the bike!! He is not eating alot and looks quite small - he is now 76kg! Little eh! He has his morning rituals - paper, porridge & a nap. He does his sudoku at night and is attending land meetings! He is keeping himself busy!

The nights up here are quite kool, but the days have a bit of heat in them

Raniera & the boys look well

Whakararangi is good as well

I managed to catch up with Tama on the phone as well as Matauria yesterday - all good

Heoi e te whanau

he nui taku ki a koutou

Te manawanui o rangi ki a koutou

- Naaku noa -


Friday, October 17, 2008

" In His opinion.... WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!"

Kia Ora e te Whanau!!!
I get to talk to Koro every week, so when i spoke to him after he went to see the surgeon in Hamilton he wasn't too impressed at all. He thought the surgeon could have done more than what he did, which was basically ask what drugs he was on, then he did a quick check-up to see if everything was working well.

Now as you all know Koro, hes the one who likes to be prepared in every way. He took x- rays up with him to show the surgeon and get his opinion: but the surgeon only glimpsed at them. So koro took them back to Taupo to Doctor Douglas. It sounds like he is now satisfied.

But enough of that.... Good News thus far....
Koro has daily exercises that he does. He goes up to the Hospital to do physio which consists of riding a stationary bike and walking on the treadmill.

His goal was to do 10mins on the bike, which he has achieved. Now he is aiming for 12mins. Tau ke!!! He does this maybe 2- 3 times a week. Other than this he keeps busy with Sudoku, reading and listening to his BEAUTIFUL granddaughter every week, (cos yep can't get her to stop haha ;)

He went to church last Sunday which i think was the first time since the surgery. He drives himself around even... Naughty Koro! haha...

So koro is being Koro at about 1/4 of the speed he is used to doing things...

What do you think???

Aroha ki te Whanau,

PS My 21st was "THE BOMB"
Thank you to everyone who came in sent me cards etc... Even to my friend Elder Huh wo sent a birtthay card form VANCOUVER CANADA. And to ALL the whanau who came down from TURANGI AND CHCH!!


I have recovered well from the MASSIVE feed! hehe

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hakari Downunder

Sunday 5th Whiringa-a-nuku

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

That day has finally arrived!

Tereinamu, 21TODAY!!

Getting all set for Tereinamu's 21st, on Saturday 4th October, Sacred Heart School hall, North East Valley, Dunedin!! We would loved to have gone home to Turangi, Tokaanu - but we just couldn't manage it - so we decided to have one down here, then fly home to Taupo at the end of October!

My Aunties, Harriet, Bubba & Nola are all coming down as are Waimarie, Mareikura, Peter & Manaia!! How nice to have whanau around!!

Looking forward to hosting the whanau this weekend

Happy birthday Tereinamu!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ra Whanau!

Mauri ora ki a koutou!!
The kids prepared a tribute for their kuia - a mihi to her for her birthday. Mum would have been 76 years old on the 22 September!!

So, here it is!!


HOME sweet HOME!

E te whanau whanui tena no koutou katoa

Dad is finally at home in the whare!! He arrived home last week on Wednesday to 'test the stairs' & brought all his gear home with him!!

Aramata & Matauria have been 'in & out' of the house taking care of his needs & making sure he gets to his Physio appointments!!

Rarangi says Dad is ok - (but you need to hear him tell that story)

Matauria says Dad is working towards being more independent - & had a Poukura meeting at the house!

Thats all good!


Monday, September 15, 2008

Raising the Titanic!!!

E aku rangatira tena koutou katoa!!

The kids have started a fund-raising campaign to get them all up to the North Island to spend some time with their koroua; and you know how many there are and how expensive a trip like this is!! - so have a look at what they have:-

Naaku noa

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Spring in his step !

Mauri ora ki a koutou katoa

We have some movement!! Here is the latest:- -

Dad is showing some marked improvement

- Blood pressure, heart rate is as normal as can be
- he is slowing being weaned off the drugs

- daily routines show encouraging results
- walking
- stretching
- & could be using a bike

- feeding himself
- eating solid foods!

The house
- the nurse will take Dad to the house to test him on the stairs
- the house still needs to be assessed
- Raniera is currently doing up the up-stairs shower

- Dad is speaking clearly & is now dishing out orders!
- memory not too bad
- writing well, and doing his cross-words!

Hollei did say that he looks alot better than she has ever seen - since Waikato, a little thin, cheeky as, and no stress on his face!! the beard has grown back!!

He appears to be on-track to returning home within a matter of weeks!!

hei kona

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mai i te po tae noa ki te ao - ka pupuke te mahara!

Tenei hoki taaku e mihi atu ki a koutou katoa
Heoi ano, tahuri atu te mihi kau ake ki a koe Edward -
e te whanaunga kei tawhiti,
kei tua o te moana tapokapoka a Tawhaki - tena koe!

otira tena koutou katoa

Matauria and i had a lengthy discussion last night.
She has been involved with dad's recovery since Rarangi went home: - from Hamilton 2 Rotorua; from Rotorua 2 Taupo -and we all know how much work that must have been.

  • There is the coordination of the Occupational Therapist who will assess dad's whare and what needs to happen before he can return home
  • She received a letter from the Doctor in Rotorua regarding dad's condition and how he requires assistance before he is released to his own whare (correct me if i am wrong Matauria)
  • There is organising the right 'care' for when he is home - and who is going to pay for that (hence the Doctor's letter of support)
  • She had a visit from Tuwharetoa Health Services
  • The formal complaint laid against a couple of nurses in Rotorua who treated dad poorly!
  • Dad's continuing Physio and his actually plan of care
  • Working alongside the health professionals towards dad's full recovery
  • The waxing and waning of drugs - that ever present ngangara and the need for constant vigilance!
  • The minutes from the whanau meeting with the Waikato Medical Staff
  • Our need to keep our own records up-2-date
  • atu i tena, ko tera o nga tino whakaaro - he ahua he te surgery i te hohipera o Waikato
Although the ngako of our korero surrounded dad's recovery and what that actually meant - we also moved our conversation towards "what we need to do as a family from here on" - and there are a lot of things to consider:

  • EPOA - Enduring power of attorney (Welfare & Finances) - something that we all need to consider!
  • There is the question of the land - the most enduring & physical feature of who we are -it is ,after all, that which will record our life-story forever
  • Some on-going discussion need to take place surrounding the land - so much to consider - it appears that we will have been granted some more time
  • Dad's will
  • The whare
  • Organising ourselves to meet before the year is out to discuss where we go from here, what we do now, and how we do it
It is time to come home

Naaku noa

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Taupo-moana ka hoki mai!!

Aku nui, aku rahi tena ra koutou katoa!!

Earlier today i was told that dad was being transferred back to Taupo!!

It hasn't been an easy ride for him since leaving Waikato but he appears to be improving day-by-day! Matauria informed me last night that an incident took place in Rotorua that was potentially leading towards a formal complaint against a couple of nursing staff - at this point in time i am unsure whether it will go ahead.

Furthermore, the minutes of the meeting held with Waikato Staff is on its way!!

Heoi ano whanau
Kua hoki mai ra ki te hau kainga!!

Naaku noa

Friday, August 29, 2008

- - - SURE FOOTED - - -

E te whanau whanui, tena no koutou katoa!!

Matauria just filled me in on Dad's first days in Rotorua

Dad is moving around reasonably well - and is sure-footed!! The physios are working quite closely with him towards a measure of full recovery.

He is now able to feed himself and is eating all the food that he is given - although he sometimes requires a tube.

Matauria is now looking towards having the house assessed and prepared before dad is released - so she is working closely with the Doctors in Rotorua and may well contact Tuwharetoa Health Services for assistance

All-in-all progress is comng along nicely

We are still waiting for our copy of the minutes of the whanau meeting from Tuesday & we are still waiting for a "critcial care plan" so that we can monitor dads progress - the wheels turn slowly!!

Edward rang and talked with Whakararangi who is home in Taupo

When i know more - i will let you all know

Hei kona

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Ko te Arawa te waka
te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa
Ki Aotearoa
Ngatoroirangi tohunga
E karanga nei,
Powhiri atu ra
Tena ra koutou katoa!!

As we speak, Dad is being transported to Rotorua to continue with his recovery programme!!
The family are currently gathering themselves together, i understand that Tapeka may be accompanying the family down to Rotorua - Dad is getting closer to the homelands!!
We are grateful for our Tainui whanau for looking after us whilst we were in Hamilton, Tainui country: Hineauri, Phillipa, Ebony, Uncle Donald, our cousin LittleBit, and more recently Tapeka. We would also like to thank Andrienne Arthur and her team at Te Rauawaawa for advocating on our behalf.
Te Rauawaawa

Nga mihi hoki ki a ratou o ICU me Ward 14 mo o ratou manaaki ki a matou katoa

Naaku noa

Friday, August 22, 2008

Leaps & Bounds ! !

Mauri ora koutou katoa



Dad slept well

Had a good breakfast

There was some discussion about having a PICC inserted


Shower took a lot out of dad

Now too tired to eat

Rarangi will feed him later

TV on order so that he can enjoy the NEWS (he also got Rarangi to run off and get him a paper!!)


had a little eat, now resting

physio – making an effort to exercise

I just finished talking to Rarangi.
He indicated that dad had a great night's sleep and that his exercises went very well! He is also talking more and more. As we write he is being wheeled off for an xray

The family have a meeting with the Doctors this coming Monday regarding his progress and any upcoming procedures.

Wayne & Rawea visited yesterday while Rarangi was catching up on his moe. I think dad was quite pleased to see his moko Wayne.

dad is having a very good day so far. Physio staff have compromised their programme thanks to Hineauri & Dad

Naaku Noa

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kua pau te hau!!

Tongariro maunga tapu
e pupuhi nei te hau matao
ki Waikato!!

e aku rangatira tena koutou katoa!

Just to bring you all up-to-date

We met a really lovely nurse (night shift Sunday) that dad responds to - her name is linda!

She is very accommodating and always takes the time to explain to us what she is doing.

Monday night gave my brother and i an opportunity to catch up after a long absence

Yesterday (Tuesday) Dad had a difficult day - as Rarangi describes it "they pushed him a little hard" - so he became a little worn out. I left the hospital at around 10am to catch a plane back to Dunedin at 11:10am - Ae ra, i have run out of gas so have gone home for a little rest!!

While i was still there, Dad called Hineauri to his bedside and reminded her of an incident that occurred some 50+ years ago at Oruamatua in Moawhango. She was 2 years old and found a live wire which she grabbed - and just yelled loud!! Dad heard her and came running, took her in his arms and cradled her.

We have had a round of telephone calls concerning a procedure that requires a tube stuck in the arm. As it turns out, dad has developed an infection in the lung which requires some attention - hence the tube (otherwise known as a PICC) which will be used to administer anti-biotics directly.

Grateful for Hineauri being there to help our brother in his time of need

Naaku noa

Monday, August 18, 2008


E nga uri whakaheke o Tuwharetoa
tena ra koutou katoa

Well, Dad had his first day/night in the ward - and already he is ordering us around!!

Anyway, it is good to finally have him in the ward where we can be a constant presence. So, Rarangi is here and spent the night with dad. Tereinamu managed to get dad to start eating & drinking and Rarangi took over from her.

We have a journal to monitor his progress (liquid intake, medication, food intake, turn-overs, routines, urine output, blood pressure, physio and so on) and to keep a record of what the doctors are doing to him - so far so good. He needs alot of sleep, he needs food to get his strength levels up, and he will need physio to prepare him for physical activity

That was last night
He looks like he had a good sleep! He was a new man after they gave him a shower!!

Today he had a constant stream of visitors: Rawea, Misty & Baby, Josh/Ranui & Baby and our cousin Hineauri

Rarangi will be bedside over the coming week - he will be sleeping bedside to help with dad's recovery. His NEW cell is: 02102395596 (as soon as i give him the SIM)

Tereinamu headed home for Dunedin this morning

Aurora, thanks for the comments - i just found them today after matauria mentioned them to me on saturday!! i have left a comment for you

Heoi ano
thankyou all for your thoughts, prayers, karakia, whakamoemiti - we are most grateful for them!!

Hei kona

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tirohia ki runga!!

Mauri ora mai ra ano!!
Rarangi, myself and Tereinamu escorted dad up to Ward 14, room 8 (Fourth floor of the Menzies building) on Sunday at around 1pm - it was great to have some movement!! The amateur video was taken with a wee camera

This video is one of Tereinamu with her koro.

Naaku noa

Kua pakaru te ata, kua marama te ra!!

E nga totara o te wao nui a Tane
huri noa i te motu whanui o Aotearoa, o te Waipounamu
atu ki tawahi hoki!
koutou e manaakitia mai matou
i runga i nga momo whakaaro, whakamoemiti, karakia hoki!!
ko taku tenei e tuku mihi, e tuku aroha, e tuku ngakau hoki
tena ra koutou katoa!!

I have some GREAT NEWS!!!!
Dad is being moved to ward 14 in an hour!! - to the ward NOT to HDU but to the WARD!!

Kaore he korero e tua atu i tenei!!

Naaku noa

Thursday, August 14, 2008

:-) :-) :-)

E aku rangatira o te motu
Otira ki a koutou nga whanau, hapu ranei o Tuwharetoa
tena ra koutou katoa!!

Let me bring you up to date with this morning's news.
I went in to see dad just before the doctor's rounds, he was sleeping and looked rather weary.
Anyway, Sandra is looking after dad for the day until changeover.

:-) no drugs
:-) just insulin
:-) still on milkshakes - cant take solids yet
:-) oxygen level down to 45%!! yesterday it was 60%
:-) vitals all looking much the same (blood pressure - normal for him, heart rate - looks good, respiratory 26)
:-) breathing without aid except for the breathing mask

All very good signs of progress!! But he still looks tired....

Apart from that: chloe and her bubba came up for a quick visit with her koro. The kids and i were down at the whanau house - they were cleaning up their mess before heading over to their cousin's place Ebony to stay the night!!

Cousin Hineauri and i went to the library where we signed her up for a gmail account, and gave her access to the BLOG!!

As we speak, Raniera and Rarangi are putting a hangi in the ground at Dad's place - BUT, dont go around there because they are bringing it up here to Hamilton!! Delwyn is making a steam pudding and Tereinamu is going to make us some trifle!!!! Then we are going to descend on Ebony's place!!

Mauri ora ki te whanau

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Get your running shoes on!!

E te tini me te mano tena ra koutou katoa!!

This morning we received more GOOD NEWS!!

Dad was sitting in a chair with a breathing mask and food tube attached!!
His oxygen levels are around 60% but thats ok - the fact that he is sitting up is very encouraging!!
So, he is virtually doing all the work himself - he still looks weary!

Mauri ora

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mauri tipu!!

Mauri ora e te whanau!!
Dad was moved to another room (10) so that he could get some much needed sleep. Sandra & on occasionss Matiu was looking after him
-- Blood pressure is good - no drugs to help him
-- Oxygen down to 40%
-- Respiratory around 30
-- Blood sugars ok
-- Lungs doing alot of work by themselves

So, he appears to be doing well!!

Tonight we received some encouraging news!!

I meet with the Registrar Lupe who explained that she wanted to take the tube out of Dad's mouth - if he was able to sustain his breathing ----fine, if not - he would require a tracheostomy - this is a medical procedure on the neck to open a direct airway through an incision in the windpipe.

The procedure and risks were explained to me

This was around 2:00pm

When i went to check dad's progress he had a breathing mask on with no hole in the windpipe!!
He is no longer on Noradrenaline (for blood pressure)

Needless to say i was over the moon!!

But he did look very tired - so after a very short visit, and a talk to the nurse i left him for the night

Naaku noa

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mauri ora!!

Mauri ora ki te whanau!
Let me bring you all up to date:
  • As you know, all the machines & tubes have been changed
  • The PICO - heart machine - is measuring the strength of his heart - facinating to watch the nurses flush 15 ml of water through the tubes and measure how strong his heart is
  • he was on 40% oxygen today - so he had to do alot of work!!
  • heart rate and blood pressure is what is is - no suprises
  • Dialysis - they had him hooked up for 4 hours today
  • the oxygen levels in his blood are quite good - but dad has a habit of flicking off the clip they put on his finger nails!
  • Debbie took care of him today - she is good, very friendly and open about what she does with dad - most helpful!!
  • But last night - i had to help them move dad as he slipped down the bed - he has alot of strength left in him!!
  • A couple of Joe Habibs daughters came to visit - nice one!
  • Cousin Hineauri just left for home as i write this - cousin Phillipa is on her way up with tea!!
  • Cousin Aroha French rang up and left a message for us - i called her back and left the BLOG address for her
Text from Aroha: thanku so much 4 letn us kno..our luv 2 u all, Aroha.!.! <~Big Mamaluv~>
  • Tapeka is booked to come home - he just finished ringing me - it will be good to see the cousin and to bring him home!
It looks as if we are in for a very long haul. We have to organise ourselves so that we dont burn out: our priority is to ensure that someone is bedside looking after his wairua, to urge him on, maintain his dignity, to keep a keen watch over him and bring him back!

- So we need a base - somewhere we can dump our bags, cook our food, shower and sleep
- and we need a way to fund the accomodation, food etc
- we need to set up a rotating schedule to ensure someone is bedside
- we need to set up an account to make this all happen without undue burden on those at bedside

So, we as a family are currently looking at our options

Does anyone know of a place we can rent up here in Hamilton for a couple three months?

The kids and I need to head back to Dunners (probably by the end of the week - or whenever we can get the right flights!) - we need to go home and go back to work - so that we can get back up here in a month and do another week-to-10 day stint with Dad

Thankyou all for your prayers, karakia and whakamoemiti - ma te atua koutou e manaaki|

Heoi ano e te whanau - tenei taaku e mihi atu ki nga whanau o konei, o Tainui waka mo to ratou manaaki mai ki a matou o Taupo-nui!!

Naaku noa

ps: enjoy the video

He kai mo te ngakau