Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mauri tipu!!

Mauri ora e te whanau!!
Dad was moved to another room (10) so that he could get some much needed sleep. Sandra & on occasionss Matiu was looking after him
-- Blood pressure is good - no drugs to help him
-- Oxygen down to 40%
-- Respiratory around 30
-- Blood sugars ok
-- Lungs doing alot of work by themselves

So, he appears to be doing well!!

Tonight we received some encouraging news!!

I meet with the Registrar Lupe who explained that she wanted to take the tube out of Dad's mouth - if he was able to sustain his breathing ----fine, if not - he would require a tracheostomy - this is a medical procedure on the neck to open a direct airway through an incision in the windpipe.

The procedure and risks were explained to me

This was around 2:00pm

When i went to check dad's progress he had a breathing mask on with no hole in the windpipe!!
He is no longer on Noradrenaline (for blood pressure)

Needless to say i was over the moon!!

But he did look very tired - so after a very short visit, and a talk to the nurse i left him for the night

Naaku noa

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