Sunday, August 10, 2008

Te aupaki o te ra!!

Mauri ora koutou katoa
Ko te tumanako, kei te ora koutou

We had an interesting day yesterday (Saturday).

Cousin Jon Matthews and Marilyn came up from Napier for a visit and brought a huge bag of apples and mandarins. We decided that we would make an apple crumble pie which has just arrived at the Hospital as i write!! Did i mention that Aurora sent a bunch of flowers?? Nice

Cousin Jon still looks like a machine and has taken to waka ama
Cousin Boy rang as well - it was good to catch up with him - busy boy that one

So, what about Dad?
Lets see: Nurse Bindu took care of him up until her shift finished at around 3pm - then another couple of nurses took over including Tony - you remember him? He hasn't been around dad for about 5 days and so he shared with me his thoughts. He told me that he hasn't seen any significant changes in dad's condition since the last time he was here - that does not mean that he has gotten worse at all - he just thinks that dad has not progressed - hmmm

Anyway, there was a moment when Bindu (the nurse) was trying to give dad the suction (he was struggling with his breathing) and dad would not help her - he bit on the tube, he closed his mouth tight and refused to help her - so, i had to hold his hands as she 'put' the tube into his mouth and down his throat - yeah i know, real painful - and it showed on dad's face - he went all red!!

that over, he settled right down

FAST forward to today - Sunday 10
I went in and everything had changed
He had just finished dialysis
all the machines had changed
and he is on noradrenaline
they told me that there were some 'bugs' in the gunk they sucked out yesterday so all the tubes and machines were changed
But when i left him at 12:30pm odd, he was sleeping peacefully

chloe, Hollei and Raniera are up there and Hineauri has just pulled in with a huge apple crumble pie! So I am off for a kai!!

By the way - we had pork bones last night for tea - courtesy of Ebony and Hineauri!

The kids have gone to church with their kuia who resides in Templeview

Hei kona for now
ps: you see that little button below that says comment - thats the one - press it and leave a korero - love to hear from you all!!

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