E aku whanaunga o te motu - tenei taku e mihi atu ra!!
I have now had my first full day in Hamilton
I have now had my first full day in Hamilton
Dad had quite a few visitors today: at least 4 from Taupo - it was nice to catch up with them [Andrew Spackman, Aneta & her friend and Sam]
Whanau on board today: Thomas, Stacy, Hollei, Hineauri, Phillipa, Tama, Delwyn
Thomas said that his Koro had was responding well to the mokopuna - expressions, squeezing their hands and smiling
Cousin Phillipa was up for the day as well - great to catch up with her
The whanau was upbeat, smiling and laughing - a great sign of wellness and healing as well as togetherness
Tama and Delwyn turned up with some fried bread, jam & golden syrup!! It is good to catch up with the brother, it has been so long!
Tama and Delwyn turned up with some fried bread, jam & golden syrup!! It is good to catch up with the brother, it has been so long!
Bedside with Dad
I had some time with Hollei bedside
I looked at Dad with a tube stuck down his throat, all hooked up - and touched his forehead. I said to Hollei that i was responsible for some of the gray hairs on dads head!! I mentioned to Hollei that perhaps the mokopuna should go right ahead and organise a family reunion - to bring them all together - it is time!!
Of course when Hindy arrived, she was still laughing about all the stories we told last night!! She just cant help herself - mind you, it was real funny - and you had to be here to appreciate the whanau sense of humour!!
Addy Ngatai rang me to talk - her husband is Enoka Ngatai who went Massey with Dad way back in the early 1950's; they came to nan's tangi - nice to hear from her.
Aunty Nola has posted a couple of comments - and that was nice to receive that level of support as well.
An old school friend from Taupo by the name of Sam popped in to see Dad
Bonz is on his way down and should be there by the time i get back to the hospital
- When i left the hospital to head to the internet cafe, the medical staff were just hooking up Dad to the Dialysis machine
- We think that he is making progress at his own pace
- the drugs have been reduced
- he is still on the ventilator
- Had an xray to see what is going on with his lungs
- Lots of movement
- lots of recognition - he is drifting in and out - and he does recognise people
- and there is hope smiling gently down upon us all
We have a whanau meeting with the Staff apopo around 8pm!!
Hei kona whanau
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