Wednesday, August 6, 2008

tereinamu bedside

Bedside - first shift.
just finished being with koro - every 2 hours they do change over.
He's becoming more alert - moving his arms and legs to keep him comfy.
I still cant believe how swollen his arms and hands are. I slept with him for most of the time i was with him. he has a very fast heart beat and his chest makes a rattling-whizzy sound! i asked him if he was sore at one point and he nodded yes!
Lovely doctor looking after him at the moment.

Moe time for me now
Holes is next starting at 4:45am


Unknown said...

Tena Koe Brother,

Im happy to hear that dad is on the mend,"slow progress is great progress".
Apologies for not being available at this difficult time for you brother(In terms of the driving).
Unfortunately i am not in the right space to be able to take that amount of time off as was the case at mums.
My thoughts are with you and the whanau uso.....If my situation changes over the next few days i will be up there for you and bring the rest of the family.
Dads "Hard Edge", that you have told me of frequently seems to be coming to the fore and i am thankful that the "Higher Power" is with you all...

See you soon uso.

"Quit Your JibbaJabba, you aint Hurt"

Na Cleveland

H said...

Thanks Bolo!