Tongariro maunga tapu
e pupuhi nei te hau matao
ki Waikato!!
e pupuhi nei te hau matao
ki Waikato!!
e aku rangatira tena koutou katoa!
Just to bring you all up-to-date
We met a really lovely nurse (night shift Sunday) that dad responds to - her name is linda!

Monday night gave my brother and i an opportunity to catch up after a long absence

Yesterday (Tuesday) Dad had a difficult day - as Rarangi describes it "they pushed him a little hard" - so he became a little worn out. I left the hospital at around 10am to catch a plane back to Dunedin at 11:10am - Ae ra, i have run out of gas so have gone home for a little rest!!
While i was still there, Dad called Hineauri to his bedside and reminded her of an incident that occurred some 50+ years ago at Oruamatua in Moawhango. She was 2 years old and found a live wire which she grabbed - and just yelled loud!! Dad heard her and came running, took her in his arms and cradled her.
We have had a round of telephone calls concerning a procedure that requires a tube stuck in the arm. As it turns out, dad has developed an infection in the lung which requires some attention - hence the tube (otherwise known as a PICC) which will be used to administer anti-biotics directly.
Grateful for Hineauri being there to help our brother in his time of need
Naaku noa
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